Adventure Church Podcast
Welcome to the sermon podcast of the Adventure Church in Utah! Episodes consist almost entirely of the messages preached on Sunday mornings at the Adventure, a Foursquare church located in Draper, Utah, with an extension campus in Utah County. Check us out, subscribe, and thanks for listening!
Adventure Church Podcast
More Like Jesus: The Born-Again Identity - Knowing who you Are in Christ
The Adventure Church
Continuing our series “More Like Jesus”, today Pastor Kuulei shares how finding our identity in Christ alone can be a struggle, especially with so many external influences. It's only when we come to know Jesus personally and surrender our lives to Him, that find our true identity... in Christ alone!
Key Scriptures:
Gen 1:27, Psa 139:13-16, Rom 3:23, 6:23, 12:2, Eph 1:4-6