Adventure Church Podcast
Welcome to the sermon podcast of the Adventure Church in Utah! Episodes consist almost entirely of the messages preached on Sunday mornings at the Adventure, a Foursquare church located in Draper, Utah, with an extension campus in Utah County. Check us out, subscribe, and thanks for listening!
620 episodes
New LIFE: A New Heart
Continuing with our series “New LIFE”, Pastor Jodi teaches on A New Heart. There is a great deal of talk about mental health these days. Many different opinions and voices try to tell us about how to deal with our emotions. It is natural to be ...

New LIFE: A New Way To THINK
Today we start a new series called “New LIFE” to complement our new Wednesday night course “Practicing The Way”, with Pastor Jodi teaching on A New Way To THINK. It has been said, “As a person thinks in their heart, so are they,” The way we thi...

Come Follow Me
Today Pastor Ira teaches there are three small words that will change our world if we take them for how they are intended. Jesus said them two-thousand years ago and they are still transforming lives today. They are so simple that oftentimes th...

Encounter, Encourage, Engage: Engage Others: The POWER to Witness
Wrapping up our mini-series on “Encounter, Encourage, Engage”, Pastor Jodi teaches on Engaging Others. The idea of sharing one’s faith can be somewhat intimidating. However, Jesus promised to give us a GIFT that provides us with the power...

Encounter, Encourage, Engage: Encourage Transformation
Continuing our mini-series on “Encounter, Encourage, Engage”, Pastor Jodi teaches how to “Encourage Transformation”. In a culture of negativity and judgment, there is a way to grow and change and be faith-filled, and that is through encourageme...

Encounter, Encourage, Engage: Encountering Jesus
2025-01-05: Encounter, Encourage, Engage: Encountering JesusToday we start a mini-series on “Encounter, Encourage, Engage”, with Pastor Jodi teaching on Encountering Jesus. New Years resolutions are often discarded within the firs...

Journey to The King: Wise Men Worship
Today as we wrap up our Christmas series “Journey to The King”, Pastor Ira teaches on the Wise Men. Following Jesus from the point of view of the world is often looked upon as a fools errand. Yet throughout history, many wise and powerfu...

Journey to The King: Our Journey To The King
Continuing with our Christmas series “Journey to The King”, today Pastor Jodi teaches on “LOVE.” Over 100 million songs have been written about love in its various forms. Humans are on a constant quest to discover not only what love mean...

Journey to The King: The Shepherds
Continuing with our Christmas series “Journey to The King”, today Pastor Jodi teaches on the shepherds. When Jesus was born, the shepherds were the first to learn of the birth of the long-awaited Savior of the world. The shepherds were l...

Journey to The King: Mary & Joseph’s Trip of a Lifetime
Continuing with our Christmas series “Journey to The King”, today Pastor Jodi teaches on Mary & Joseph’s Trip of a Lifetime. Life’s circumstances can certainly be confusing at times—especially if our desire is to follow Jesus and liv...

Journey to The King: Perfect Timing
Today we start a new series “Journey to The King”, with Pastor Jodi teaching on God’s perfect timing.For many years Israel waited for the promised Messiah—and for many years, it seemed that God was silent and had forgotten them. H...

Counter Culture: Grateful, Peaceful & Secure
Today we wrap up our series “Counter Culture”, with Pastor Jodi teaching on being Grateful, Peaceful & Secure. Anxiety is the most significant health concern of Americans. People are plagued with stress and yet, Jesus offers us an indescrib...

Counter Culture: Crucified for LIFE
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi talks about being crucified for LIFE. Humans were created to worship. Everyone worships something. The choice we have as believers is to either worship Jesus or something else....

Counter Culture: Sex And The Bible (Pt. 2)
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi shares part 2 of Sex and the Bible. Sex is a topic on the minds of many people. Sex was created by God and is a beautiful gift within the context of marriage. This week we will...

Counter Culture: Sex And The Bible (Pt. 1)
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today is part 1 of a 2 part message and Pastor Jodi talks about how our culture is obsessed with sex. It is a topic of podcasts, TV shows, movies, etc. The church has been accused of not having ...

Counter Culture: Harvesting
Continuing with our series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Ira talks about harvesting. Frequently Israel was enticed by the things of this culture to abandon their faithfulness to the Lord and see if there is anything better. This always led to...

Counter Culture: Suicide (Pt. 2)
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Kuulei finishes her 2 part message on suicide. Although this is a most difficult subject, as Christians we should be willing to tackle it in truth and love, pointing to Jesus as our...

Counter Culture: Suicide (Pt. 1)
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Kuulei talks about suicide in a 2-part message. Although this is a most difficult subject, as Christians we should be willing to tackle it in truth and love, pointing to Jesus as ou...

Better Together: Community, Unity, and Diversity
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi talks about Community, Unity, and Diversity. In a divided culture, it is difficult for us to experience true unity, but Jesus instructed us to love as He loves us, despite any ...

Counter Culture: Speaking for the Voiceless
ontinuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi talks about speaking for the voiceless. God often gets a bad reputation for being very angry and destructive in the Old Testament. But the example of what He is truly like is fo...

Counter Culture: Trending Idolatry
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi talks about Trending Idolatry. When we think of bowing down to idols, we typically imagine some other culture or era worshipping statues of animals, demons, or false gods. But ...

Counter Culture: Politics & Christians
Continuing with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi talks about Politics & Christians. Does God Care About Politics? Does The Bible Address Political Issues? Should Christians Even Participate in Politics? These Are All Pert...

Counter Culture: Keeper Of The Stream: What are You Looking At?
Continuing today with our new series “Counter Culture”, today Pastor Jodi dives into Psalm 101. We are constantly bombarded with media, social media, and entertainment. What we ingest has an impact on our physical health, and in the same way, w...

Counter Culture: Grey Matters
Continuing today with our new series “Counter Culture”, Pastor Jodi teaches on “Grey Matters”. In the culture, including the culture of disciples of Jesus, there are some issues which are black and white. However, there are also some topics tha...

Counter Culture: Absolute Truth~Did God REALLY Say?
Continuing today with our new series “Counter Culture”, Pastor Jodi teaches on Truth. What is it? Is truth objective or subjective, and why does it matter? This discussion involves the differences between absolute truth and moral relativism and...