Adventure Church Podcast
Welcome to the sermon podcast of the Adventure Church in Utah! Episodes consist almost entirely of the messages preached on Sunday mornings at the Adventure, a Foursquare church located in Draper, Utah, with an extension campus in Utah County. Check us out, subscribe, and thanks for listening!
Adventure Church Podcast
More Like Jesus: Come Follow Me…
The Adventure Church
Today we start a new series “More Like Jesus” as we prepare for this upcoming Year of Discipleship, Pastor Ira talks about what a disciple is and how to grow as one. Our culture in many ways has reduced this age-old path of transformation into simply an “affirmation,” which leads to a weak and joyless effort. Join us as we understand how to walk in the fullness of life that Jesus came to give us.
Key Scripture Passages:
Matt 4:18-22, Eph 2:10, 1 Kings 19:19-21, Luke 6:40, 2 Cor 3:18, Jam 1:23-24, Matt 4:4