Adventure Church Podcast
Welcome to the sermon podcast of the Adventure Church in Utah! Episodes consist almost entirely of the messages preached on Sunday mornings at the Adventure, a Foursquare church located in Draper, Utah, with an extension campus in Utah County. Check us out, subscribe, and thanks for listening!
Adventure Church Podcast
Mark My Words: Real-Life Prayers
The Adventure Church
Continuing with our series “Mark My Words”, today Pastor Jodi teaches from Mark Ch. 14. Everyone goes through seasons of difficulty, and no matter how much we try to prevent it, we will all suffer. How do we deal with suffering? What can we learn from Jesus? In this study, we will examine Jesus’ prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night he was denied, abandoned, and betrayed, and discover how we can maintain and even increase our faith despite our struggles.
Key Scriptures:
Mark 14:32-38, Luk 22:42-44, Heb 12:7,11-13, Gen 50:20