Adventure Church Podcast
Welcome to the sermon podcast of the Adventure Church in Utah! Episodes consist almost entirely of the messages preached on Sunday mornings at the Adventure, a Foursquare church located in Draper, Utah, with an extension campus in Utah County. Check us out, subscribe, and thanks for listening!
Adventure Church Podcast
Counter Culture: Absolute Truth~Did God REALLY Say?
The Adventure Church
Continuing today with our new series “Counter Culture”, Pastor Jodi teaches on Truth. What is it? Is truth objective or subjective, and why does it matter? This discussion involves the differences between absolute truth and moral relativism and how what we believe about truth impacts our thoughts, motivations, and actions.
Key Scriptures:
Pro 14:34, Joh 8:31-32,37-38, 14:6, Matt 5:13-16, Gen 3:1-5