Adventure Church Podcast

Encounter, Encourage, Engage: Encountering Jesus

The Adventure Church

2025-01-05: Encounter, Encourage, Engage: Encountering Jesus

Today we start a mini-series on “Encounter, Encourage, Engage”, with Pastor Jodi teaching on Encountering Jesus. New Years resolutions are often discarded within the first few weeks of the new year. However, encountering Jesus can bring lasting change that is positive, transformative, and tangible. Saul of Tarsus is an example of a person who was radically changed by encountering Jesus and continued to be transformed as he encountered Him. We, too, can encounter Jesus in ways that bring true and lasting change to our lives as we resolve to seek Him daily. 

Quotes from Dallas Willard, Living in Christ's Presence: Final Words on Heaven and the Kingdom of God (

Key Scriptures:
John 3:3, Acts 9:1-22,26-28, Matt 3:8, Psalm 23:1